Macronutrients, or more commonly known as ‘macros’, are the building blocks that make up the foundation of our daily nutritional goals. Fats/lipids, carbohydrates and proteins make up the principal macronutrients, which provide our bodies with energy, but also serve purpose in reaching and achieving personal fitness and performance goals.
How we arrange our intake of each macronutrient is very personal and independent on a specific individual’s goal. This is what a lot of people miss when following an online meal plan or macronutrient guide, is that specific meal plans or guides will more than likely not work for every person, just because it ‘worked’ or was ‘successful’ for the person selling the product to you. Our bodies react differently to different types of diets. Weather that may be high fat low carb, high carb low fat, white meat, red meat, gluten free, lactose free and many more arrangements of foods, not all of these will work for everyone, you need to determine what is most suitable for you, your lifestyle and your goals.
The average daily intake of a predominantly active individual is 2000 calories. That is equivalent to 45-65% carbohydrates, 20-35% fats and 10-35% protein. These percentages have a wide range between them to cater for different needs and diets.
For example:
Muscle gain-aim for higher percentages of proteins and carbohydrates.
Mass gain-aim for higher percentage of all three macronutrients focusing on protein and carbohydrates and increase daily calorie intake to above ‘average’. Ensure your calories in are higher than calories out (how many calories you burn per day)
Fat/weight loss-aim for lower percentage of fat and carbohydrate intake, high amounts of fibre and protein.
Maintenance-ensure number of calories burned per day is put back in to your body (equal how many calories you burn to your calorie intake).
Macronutrients serve a significant purpose in helping us to achieve our performance, fitness and personal body goals. Not all diets and ‘popular’ arrangements or macronutrients will work for everyone, you need to determine your goals and what will work for you to get the most out of consuming different types of foods and quantities of them.
- Bec