
Frozen fruits and vegetables or fresh?

Frozen fruits and vegetables or fresh?

First up, I would like to set a disclaimer that regardless of weather your fruit and veg are frozen or fresh-it is a win that you are incorporating them into your daily intake!    However, if you are aiming for specificity within nutritional value and absorption, there are points that lead us to believe that frozen fruit and veg may be more beneficial…this is based off the process of the fruit and veg from farm to plate. PLUS, did you know that most fruits and vegetables are picked BEFORE they are ripe so that they can ripen during transportation?! This means...

Easter Recovery

Easter Recovery

SO you just ate ‘too’ much Chocolate hey? Okay…so did most people… NO you don’t need to starve yourself NO you don’t need to do a juice cleanse NO you don’t need to go Keto… Get back on track, from where you left off before the Easter long weekend, and get going. Easter is a time to enjoy, spend with friends and family and relax. I want you to remember that first and foremost. So stop beating yourself up, or starting intermittent fasting or whatever other ‘quick fix’ you’re thinking of starting. What I want you to do is to...

Changing your attitude towards food

Changing your attitude towards food

Ever found yourself sitting at a table, staring at the meals around you, the food in front of you, or at a restaurant observing what others are eating, and your go-to thought is negativity or judgement around certain foods? Examples like… ‘Wow that must have heaps of oil’ ‘That must have a lot of carbs in it’ ‘red meat causes cancer’ ‘I would feel guilty after eating that’ and the list goes on… In all honesty, this has become the new normal around certain foods, a lot of foods even, and how we view them at first glance. Rather than...

Portion sizing

Portion sizing

Do you have a relationship with your food scale? So much so that you feel as though you have to carry it around everywhere you go in order to count every single macronutrient, calorie intake to the very decimal? Do you also wish to create a better relationship with food and not just see it as numbers on my fitness pal? Here is a few ways that you can measure out your food without the scale! Portion sizing, using your hands! One level handful = ¼ Cup. (a single serving of nuts is usually ¼ cup) One Heaping handful =...

Getting rid of that

Getting rid of that "Holiday Weight"

2021…’new year new me-starts crazy 900 calorie diet’   GUESS WHAT?! Going ‘crazy’ or 0-100 with your diet in the first month of 2021 is not going to be as beneficial as you may think. In fact, did you know, a large majority of people who start diets, excessively restrict, lose some weight, end up putting on MORE weight than they started with…and I’m not talking muscle mass. Unfortunately, when people go full blast with starting diets or in this case, new years resolutions, they don’t end up being sustainable, and after a few weeks, maybe if you’re lucky a...

10 Summer Shred Dieting Tips

10 Summer Shred Dieting Tips

We all know its pretty much in the guts of that time of year…yep, the summer shred! Everyone is out there at the moment working their asses off to work off their ‘winter coat’ or, as 2020 knows it as ‘covid weight’-I cant tell you how many times I’ve heard this saying now. Now, I don’t want to endorse the whole ‘starve yourself for 3-6 weeks to look good in swimmers’ sort of diet, however, I appreciated the motivation factor of the warmer weather, and therefore want to offer some guidance in this time while you continue to work on...

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Canberra Raiders

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We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the ACT, the Ngunnawal people. We acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make to the life of this city and this region.

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